A Catholic Journey...

Welcome! I invite you to follow and share my spiritual journey into the Catholic Faith. I am using this blog to share my studies and musings on converting to Catholicism.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

EWTN.com - Pope: If We Can Resist Gossip, We Make Big Step Forward

EWTN.com - Pope: If We Can Resist Gossip, We Make Big Step Forward

Gossip is such a big sin of mine.  I feel like since I don't have a job, I don't watch TV or listen to news on the radio all day, since I am home with a 3 year old...I have nothing to talk about except other people.  It's usually not bad, it's mostly just what I consider "the truth", but I know that it's gossip either way.  I think my ability to be interesting to other adults has dramatically plummeted in the last 3 years.  What time I do spend on myself is usually not time spent enriching my brain with useful knowledge...it's taking my brain off any thing, especially since I have been pregnant.  I know that gossip sucks.  I realize as I am doing it, that I am being ridiculous...but it's so hard to stop.  Pray for me that I can find a way to stick to my own business and stay positive.

1 comment:

  1. I love you so much you sweet, wonderfully intelligent and lovingly kind, big hearted, young woman! You are much loved and you offer so much love in return. Such a joy just to know you.
