A Catholic Journey...

Welcome! I invite you to follow and share my spiritual journey into the Catholic Faith. I am using this blog to share my studies and musings on converting to Catholicism.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Minute Meditation 2/7/12

The Holy Spirit is the vehicle by which we leave off the old self bound by sin, slavery, fear and egoism, and embrace the new, open to grace and freedom and love.

— from Making Sense of God
From AmericanCatholic.org

This pregnancy has been super tough on my spiritual life.  It has been such a struggle to step outside of myself and try to focus on my faith.  I find it so hard to spend any amount of time in prayer or reflection.  There have been some really really bad days, where I just feel like I have lost myself altogether, like I am not me...just an incubator and a wife and a babysitter.  I know that sounds awful, but I can't help these damn hormones!  Literally, thank God for Sundays.  I would love to go to daily mass more, but it's so hard to take a 2 year old.  
Woe is me....lol.
Enough of the pity party...see what I'm talking about?
I like this quote because when I was going through my conversion, the Holy Spirit was what really kept me motivated and made me feel like my faith was the most important part of me.  I really need to go to confession soon, it always helps with the "old self" issues and the egoism.  I am sadly, not looking forward to lent this year, I don't want to give up something stupid, I want to focus on getting my faith back on track, but I doubt my ability to follow through.  I was thinking of saying the rosary every day, which I don't do now.  I was thinking maybe going to daily mass at least once a week.  I haven't figured it out, but I am really hoping that I can make an effort this lent...stay on track.    


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