A Catholic Journey...

Welcome! I invite you to follow and share my spiritual journey into the Catholic Faith. I am using this blog to share my studies and musings on converting to Catholicism.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Minute Meditation 7/26

Moving Forward 

The desire to be a better person, to grow in love, compassion and forgiveness is the Word within urging us to grow into the likeness of God for which we have been created. When we actually engage in forgiveness, compassion and love, it is the Christ consciousness breaking through our lives. 

— from Wake Up to God's Word


This is a great quote.  It is undeniable that our human hearts yearn to be happy and good.  For me, I am always trying to learn and better myself, I want to be the best "me" that I can be.  I think most people are like that.  If they are not, then they used to be, they just need to be reminded of the good in the world.  Humans have that desire and it doesn't just come from nowhere, it comes from God.  I challenge anyone to truly trust in God's plan and allow yourself to receive the love of God, it will change your life.  Do not forget that you are not alone.  Do not forget that God is with you and that you are special and have a purpose.

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