A Catholic Journey...

Welcome! I invite you to follow and share my spiritual journey into the Catholic Faith. I am using this blog to share my studies and musings on converting to Catholicism.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

My Epiphany Post

It seems most of the catholic blogs I follow have had very compelling posts about the Epiphany, today's holy day.  I wasn't going to write anything, mostly because I just really found out from monsignors homily, what it is about.  Then I read this blog post by The Priest's Housekeeper and I was moved to write one too. Before I quote her, I want to go back to what stuck with me that monsignor said.  He said Christmas is the small intimate celebration of Jesus, just Mary, Joseph, the baby Jesus and a couple of shepherds.  Epiphany, is the international celebration of Jesus, that was celebrated by many people of all intellects and backgrounds to see the new king.  That really made the Epiphany make sense in my mind.  
Back to The Priest's Housekeeper, this paragraph at the end really got me:

Could it be that your Epiphany was the day you looked down at your first born and saw the wonder of new life. Maybe it was the time you kept vigil at the beside of a loved one who was dying and you experienced the sorrow of parting, but also joy that death is not the end. Perhaps it was that day you said, “I love you” and knew that it was about more than just romance or physical attraction. Or could it have been the moment you really believed your life was sacred, and you gave it gladly in the service of Our Lord? 
These are milestones, the stories of our lives, epiphanies that forever change who we are, how we live, and the road we travel. They are moments of ordinary everyday life in which divinity is revealed in humanity and we see God’s glory face to face.

My daughter and I yesterday
I did have an epiphany when I saw my daughter for the first time.  It was definitely a holy moment for me, in an otherwise unholy time in my life.  Also, when my great-grandad (who raised me) past in 2008, I remember being by his bedside at the hospital, smelling him and touching his thin bruised skin, and feeling very very close to god at that moment.  Finally, I often argue with my husband, and it is in those times that I can apologize and give up on my grip of power and pride, that I also feel very close to god.  I agree that in these moments, I have seen god's glory face to face, it is an epiphany, and it is wonderful.



  1. I love monsignor's explantation of the Epiphany, and I love your sweet memories. The Sunday Ponderings Link-up is live now. We would love to have you join us with this post...or any other of your choice. Blessings!


  2. I am touched by your post and your kind words. Our Lord is always very close to us and not only in the sad times.
    I like your blog very much.
    Blessings and prayers,
