A Catholic Journey...

Welcome! I invite you to follow and share my spiritual journey into the Catholic Faith. I am using this blog to share my studies and musings on converting to Catholicism.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Why I love Mary...even more

Today's  "Saint of the Day" email was for the Annunciation of the Lord.  These 2 paragraphs really speak to me.  I understand that some people believe that we worship Mary, I personally had no idea who she was before I became Catholic.  But as I have said before, and remind myself of often (maybe not enough), that being a mother is tough and she is the best role model to have.  It is important when you are a mother, to have high standards for yourself.  I get into a rut and start acting like a child...like my child...and I have to tell myself to forgive, love and calm the heck down.   That's what Mary helps me to remember.

Together with Jesus, the privileged and graced Mary is the link between heaven and earth. She is the human being who best, after Jesus, exemplifies the possibilities of human existence. She received into her lowliness the infinite love of God. She shows how an ordinary human being can reflect God in the ordinary circumstances of life. She exemplifies what the Church and every member of the Church is meant to become. She is the ultimate product of the creative and redemptive power of God. She manifests what the Incarnation is meant to accomplish for all of us.
Sometimes spiritual writers are accused of putting Mary on a pedestal and thereby discouraging ordinary humans from imitating her. Perhaps such an observation is misguided. God did put Mary on a pedestal and has put all human beings on a pedestal. We have scarcely begun to realize the magnificence of divine grace, the wonder of God’s freely given love. The marvel of Mary—even in the midst of her very ordinary life—is God’s shout to us to wake up to the marvelous creatures that we all are by divine design.

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